Finding/applying for rental housing


I am choosing to write about the diverse challenges that central valley residents tend to encounter. I have rented in California for over 25 years. In that time, I have always encountered a loss of security deposits for many reasons, most fabricated lies by the owner/landlord. I have tried to contest these thieves repeatedly with no success or laws to protect me. They steal the money, simply stated.


I will try & keep this as short as possible. This has now happened too me TWICE!. I rented a nice home in a great neighborhood for 3 years and found out she was in Default/Foreclosure. After calling her out on the carpet, she did fess up and did tell me. Didnt help me, i am a single parent. So i desepertly searched my area for an affordable, but decent home. Finally i found one and had it checked before moving in because i did not want the same thing to happen to us again. It was clear when i signed in July.

(Donna) LYNN

I am 58 yrs. old & permanently disabled. I live on $950/mo Social Security Disability benefits. Every year Social Security gives a cost of living increase& every year, my rent goes up as much as the col increase or more & then I am living on less than I was for the rest of my monthly expenses.

Norman Charles

I am a veteran with a fixed income. I've been collecting my $350.00 for many years/. Now the governer has slashed the 191 million that we desparately need. My rent is 85 % of my income. I'm disabled and have no other supplements, no other income. and now I can't work.


Nevada County discriminates against Companion/Service Dogs. If you have a dog and a prescription for it, you might as well forget living in Nevada County. They are very anti-dog. Especially the local homeless shelter, who influenced the Union newspaper not to publish anything on the subject. The landlord companies have raised low income rents, and commit credit blacklisting far and wide. I was told by a county employee, "If you have bad credit, you won't be able to live here (Grass Valley). Private landlords who rent rooms are ultra greedy and particular, too.


I live in a low income senior complex in West Sacramento. We have 120 units here and this is a tax credit property.
This complex is new, opened in late April, early May 2008.

We were told when we signed our lease that this complex would be a fully gated community after all apts. were rented. Months ago a community letter was sent out to us stating that we were now a full complex. We waited and waited for gates. We got 2 side gates, but none to the main entrance.


We rented from the same lady in Davis for 3 years. We were informed that we would share PGE and our mailbox and the trash bins upon move in. We had numerous tenants that lived behind us move out and not pay their portion of the PGE which turned out to be considerable. The 4 plex was not zoned correctly so there was no way to tell how much the water or the electricity was and so we were forced to guess each month. The first place we rented from, the roaches were so bad that I couldn't walk through a room without turning on the lights.


Dear Governor S.,


My name is David Lee Frater. I am a disabled 55 year old man who has been disabled for the last 6 years. I used to be a principal systems analyst, the rank above a senior systems analyst, for all of my adult life after college before I became disabled. I worked, and worked very hard for nearly 30 years before becoming disabled.


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