Finding/applying for rental housing


My 96year old landlord died and her niece from So. California inherited the building and began the first of evictions within days of becoming the new owner. Two months later she approached another tenant with a buyout, which the tenant declined and this was followed 12 wks later by an Ellis Act Eviction notice to all. I have lived here for 30 years, raised my son here who also lives with me, and took care of the new owner's aunt for the last 5 years of her life.


I am going to court on Dec.20 which means if i loose i will be put out in the street on Christmas day.I am disabled and have no family in CA to help me.Leagal aid wrote up my response for the unlawful detainer and had my court fees waived, but then they said we can't go to court with you they didn't even know the date yet but said they had no one available to go with me. I went to my first tenants together meeting last mth and they helped me alot and i'm going on the 19th but i don't think they will have anyone to go to court with me i called them and then missed their callback.


I'm a San Francisco native, I grew up in the Richmond District and had always assumed that I would live my whole life in San Francisco, but I was a single mom, working full time for low wages as only single moms know, and I found myself having to get out of a bad relationship and the other one wouldn't leave didn't want to split up and the flat was in my name, but he wouldn't leave. I searched and searched and no one would rent to me because I had a child. They kept lying to me that San Francisco was not a suitable place for children, which I knew was BS, because I grew up here.


we have been living in a rodent and bad plumbing, electrical wiring that flashes on and geting a shock evertime they put something in socket....for 8 well my boyfriend was living there with my kids for 8 and then i moved in 2010. but the owner owns 16 units that are diviede by a wall so it seems like only 8 units on one street and 8 on the other street. well my man has always lived and paid his rent ontime.


Owner/landlord is retaliating against me because of an accident on his/my rental property.A guest of mine was visiting and had a serious almost fatal accident that was deemed willful and gross negligence on the owners part. The guard rails on my deck over the open water had been painted over to disguise the rotted out almost completly gutted wood rails, also not to code.At that time I did not know. He fell almost 14 feet below onto partial a concrete/water area when he leaned back onto it.It easily gave way and down he went. He is alive barely.


Not sure where to start but here it goes. We were living in Oakhurst California we rented property with 2 homes on it my mother and my 3 handicap younger siblings lived in 1 house and my husband and myself and his disabled brother were going to live in the other which we soon found out that wouldn't be possible due to the condition of my younger brother who was on hospice and had to be monitored 24/7 and my elderly mother wanted us in her home at all times especially at night because she was afraid besides the fact she could barely walk.


I was evicted from my housing due to oxygen usage. Fair housing/employment denied my claim of discrimination. Section 8 has not helped me yet....


im a single parent my daughter and I live in a single family home going on 19 years the landlord is a slum lord she was violated in nov. of 2011 for out dated wires and ele.


prior landlord and current takes from my deposit money they have to pay the Rent Board. I find it strange I have to pay the rent board. Out of $700. there is very little left. Also I do not think he is aware but taking to much for interest when asking for a raise


San Francisco public housing is not including Earned Income Disregard when they calculate the rents of residents who have a job, or training program. According to the law passed by Congress in 1999, every public housing resident over 18 yrs old is eligible for Earned Income Disregard, if they qualify. Therfore PHA residents in all cities and states, including San Francisco can have their income disregarded for up to one year at 100% of the income. This means your rent stays at the lower amount for 1 year, so PHA residents can save and become self sufficient.

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