(Donna) LYNN

Residence Type: 
20 or more units
Landlord Type: 
Government Subsidized

I am 58 yrs. old & permanently disabled. I live on $950/mo Social Security Disability benefits. Every year Social Security gives a cost of living increase& every year, my rent goes up as much as the col increase or more & then I am living on less than I was for the rest of my monthly expenses.
Also, I live in a studio or 1 rm apartment which makes it impossible for me to have in home nursing when I require extra care following a surgery; hence I end up in a skilled nursing facility when further care is required. I have asked for a 1 bedrm apartment for 12 of the 13 yrs. I have lived here. i have been told that an individual is only "entitled" to a single apartment.
We recently got new owners & management & are now on a month to month agreement rather than the annual lease we used to be on. Given these conditions, it would be virtually impossible for me to find affordable hosing in Pasadena if I were to be evicted. I STRONGLY urge you to sign into effect SB290.
Lynn Marini

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