

I've worked on and off with Tenants Together up until the notices. I am not sure how many or what number I'm on. Today after calling multiple times a month to stay in the know, I was advised the LL filed a proof of service. I called on Wed morning and paper were filed later that evening. so when I called to inquire if anything was filed since I have not been served and the date LL advised she served me was on 5/14. All I could do was cry, I had done everything in my power call because the LL attempted to do the same to previous tenants.


Since I've been here 5 years ago, this was my very first ap. And upon signing and taken him at his word. I found roaches, spiders, and stains of what I believe to be mold. My stove went out last year, it took four months to get another one. and when the a/c went out knowing how long it took for a stove, im on heat meds, so home depot was my best bet. I gave him back his free on craigslist a/c


My mother has mental problems. She filed a t.r.o lying to have law enforcement kick me my two kids and husband out. We are homeless now. She did not want t o wait out our 30 notice we gave. She abused my kids. We are trying to figure out our renter rights.We paid almost all her bills including rent


My experience is not related to me as a tenant but as a staff member. A few of us know of these mismanagement practices by staff either due to incompetence and lack of professionalism or ethics. Many former staff members have sued the management for unfair treatments and had settled with most of them.


Management made financial errors on my lease during move in costs, knowingly. Would not correct. My apartment was not repaired or cleaned by move in date. I had to wait 10 more days while they were supposed to finish, but they didn't, and I was paying rent at 2 places while this was happening. The apt. Was.still not entirely cleaned. I began getting cuts in my eyes (hemotomas) due to dirt flying out of vents into my eyes.


Hello , My husband and I are in need of some advice or legal services regarding the place we rented . We rented an apartment that is a converted garage we were charged 1st ,last & security with $100 of it nonrefundable we also pay 1/2 of utilities & trash the owners agent who lives in the house pays the other 1/2 . Well we moved in to the apartment and lived in it about 1 month when the city came and said the apartment was an illegal conversion, built without permits which we were not aware of and apparently it was not legal for the owner to rent it out .

People Organized for Westside Renewal (POWER)

People Organized for Westside Renewal (POWER) is a membership-based community organizing group. We employ a community organizing strategy based on relationship building and direct action to create meaningful change in the neighborhoods where we work. We start locally, working on issues that matter to people in our communities, such as affordable housing, community safety, and quality education. 

updated 09/2023_RV


The tenants here at Vinage Palms Apartment have been enduring horrendous coditions for years. He has been cited by code enforcement numerous times but egnores the sanctions and the order for abatement. The has gotten recent media attention on kmir6 and the Desert Sun.. aWe got the City involved and opened cases with Fair Housing. We have requested the help of City Hall in Indio. They are still violating a State law by contiuing to collect rents and issue Three day notices and this is a violation of California Civil Code 1942.4.


I was living at the above address and I was pushed out of the apartment after having lived there for 23 years. I was having a noise issue for over a year with a neighbor that had moved in. I complained to the manager and the management company and not only did they not do anything about it, they turned it around and sent me a notice stating that there was never any noise, and that I was harassing the neighbor. I was forced to move because I was afraid that they were going to evict me considering that if they can lie on a three day notice they can also lie on an eviction notice.

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