Excelsis Law, P.C.
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Hi my name is Veronica and i'm in need of help and getting a lawyer. My landlord has been doing some illegal stuff around the property and as a result my PG&E got shut off. I could not put in my name or anyone elses because PG&E was requesting a legit lease from the landlord, but he would not give me one what he provided was a hand written lease stating my residence.
Myself Yvette Chambers is writing letter. Today for my voice civil rights. As a disabled citizen and civil rights for all citizens. All citizens should have a peace of mind. To return to their residence and their families. To be able to spend quality time with their love ones. Citizens should have rent control in any government subsidized property. Citizens who pays a mortgage should be able to have mortgage control.
On Tuesday, April 23, 2019, the State Senate Judiciary Committee in a 6-2 vote approved Senate Bill 529 (Durazo). The bill would prevent retaliatory evictions of tenants participating in a tenant association or rent strike. SB 529 will now head to the State Senate Appropriations Committee. The hearing date has yet to be determined.
Today at 1:45pm EST I received a knock on my apartment door and I looked in the peephole to a unknown white female in a black blouse. I asked her who she was and she stated that she had “something to give me.” When I refused to open the door she became enraged and started kicking and bamming the door. I immediately called security feeling endangered. When I realized she was getting more enraged I called 911. When the police arrived I stated what happened and the lady walked off.
Today, Tenants Together, California’s statewide organization for renters’ rights, announced its sponsorship of Senate Bill 529, which aims to protect California tenants from retaliation by their landlord for organizing collectively. The bill would prevent evictions of tenants participating in a tenant association or rent strike.
Leaks, excessive debris, a lack of heat and hot water, broken front doors – rent-stabilized tenants in Greenpoint say their landlord is trying to push them out of their homes with constant construction projects that have resulted in poor and unsafe living conditions.
The construction-related issues at 97 and 99 Clay St., a cluster of four buildings with a combined 25 apartments, have prompted a mass exodus of tenants, according to George Manatos. Now, only five tenants remain.
To keep it simple, I was living in a 4 bed 2 bath home with an office for 9 years. My 11 yr daughter and I only. I was lied to and never allowed to sign a written agreement. I was never allowed receipts to the rent i paid monthly. I only spoke and dealt with rental agent whom I learned raised the rent on me years ago without home owners knowlege. I received a 3 day notice of terminiation of tenancy 1 week before default judgment took place on august 2, 2018 with no reasons why.