Our Coalition / Nuestra Coalición

Tenants Together's member organizations anchor all of our work, collaborate to fight for tenants' rights at the state level, vote collectively on our legislative priorities, support one another with translocal organizing, and help support new tenant formations across California. Click on any member name below to learn and get involved with a member organization in your area.

If your organization supports tenants’ rights, we urge you to join Tenants Together today. Click here to learn more.


Las organizaciones miembros de Tenants Together sustentan todo nuestro trabajo, colaboran para luchar por los derechos de los inquilinos a nivel estatal, votan colectivamente sobre nuestras prioridades legislativas, se apoyan mutuamente con la organización translocal y ayudan a respaldar nuevas formaciones de inquilinos en todo California. Haga clic en el nombre de cualquier organización abajo, para conocer e involucrarse con una organización miembro en su área.
Si su organización apoya los derechos de los inquilinos, le recomendamos que se una a Tenants Together hoy mismo. Haga clic aquí para saber más.

Organizational Members / Organizaciones miembras

Affordable Housing Advocates (San Diego)

Affordable Housing Network of Santa Clara County (San Jose)

AIDS Legal Referral Panel (San Francisco)

Alameda Renters Coalition

ASUC Housing Commission (Berkeley)

Bakersfield Tenants Union


Berkeley Tenants Union

Burbank Tenants Union

Canal Alliance (San Rafael)

Causa Justa :: Just Cause (Oakland, San Francisco)

California Latinas for Reproductive Justice/Union de Vecinas (Los Angles, San Diego)

Central Coast Alliance United for a Sustainable Economy (CAUSE) (Oxnard, Ventura, Santa Barbara)

Centro Legal de la Raza (Oakland)

Claremont Tenants United

Coalition for Economic Survival (Los Angeles)

Community Legal Services in East Palo Alto

East Bay Community Law Center (Berkeley, Oakland)

El Comité de Vecinos del Lado Oeste (East Palo Alto)

Eviction Defense Collaborative (San Francisco)

Fresno Tenants Union

Glendale Tenants Union

Healing and Justice Center


Housing Rights Committee of San Francisco

Inner City Law Center (Los Angeles)

Inland Equity Partnership / Inland Equity Community Land Trust

Inquilinos Unidos (Los Angeles)

Isla Vista Tenants Union (Santa Barbara)

Latino Health Access (Santa Ana)

Law Foundation of Silicon Valley

Legal Aid Society of San Mateo County

Legal Assistance to the Elderly (San Francisco)

Linden Home (Fresno)

Long Beach Residents Empowered (LiBRE)

Los Angeles Center for Community Law and Action (LACCLA)

Los Angeles Tenants Union

Monument Impact (Concord)

Mountain View Tenants Coalition

North Bay Organizing Project

Norwalk Unides

Oakland Tenants Union

Orange County Communities Organized for Responsible Development (OCCORD)

Pacifica Housing 4 All

Pasadena Tenants Union

Resilience Orange County

Sacred Heart Community Service (San Jose)

Santa Ana Collaborative for Responsible Development (SaCRED)

Skylark Tenants Association (Larkspur)

Strategic Actions for a Just Economy (SAJE)

Sacramento Tenants Union

San Diego Tenants Union

San Francisco Tenants Union

Santa Monicans for Renters' Rights (SMRR)

Sonoma County Tenants Union (SCTU)

Tenants United Santa Ana (TU Santa Ana) 

Tenderloin Housing Clinic Law Office (San Francisco)

Todos Santos Tenants Union (Concord)

Versailles Woodland Hills Tenants Association

Partner Organizations / Organizaciones aliadas

Alliance for Community Transit - Los Angeles (ACT-LA)

Anti-Eviction Mapping Project

Asian Americans Advancing Justice: Asian Law Caucus

California Alliance for Retired Americans

Democratic Socialists of America - Chico

Democratic Socialists of America - Los Angeles

Democratic Socialists of America - Sacramento

Faith in the Valley (Central Valley)

Housing is a Human Right Orange County

Leadership Counsel for Justice and Accountability (Central Valley)

Public Advocates

National Housing Law Project

The Public Interest Law Project

Renewed Hope Housing Advocates (Alameda)

Urban Habitat (SF Bay Area)


Thanks to our members, partners, and allies for their support for tenant rights in California! Tenants Together is also connected to a national network of people and organizations fighting for housing justice as a member of the Right to the City Alliance and their Homes for All campaign.

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