Paid rent on time for six years. The rent was much higher than what the place was worth. Landlord kept deposit after I moved out. The reason I moved was because the landlord wanted to move back in. When I moved in the place was mess but it seemed like the new landlord was a decent person so I didn't mind cleaning it up, etc. there were some things that I could not do in terms of repairs or remodeling because it Wes too much money. The landlord continually encouraged And even ask about me doing remodeling of the place. She wanted me to tile her kitchen counter father she liked the back splash and told me to install a dishwasher (which she let me deduct the dishwasher from my rent. She had the place remodeled by her son. (Who wrote up the invoice) and sued me for the max you can sue for and listed things that needed repair before I moved in. She had new. Kitchen cabinets, granite countertops, etcetera. Because I did not list what was wrong with the place when. I moved in I had no proof. The. Judge acknowledged that her invoice was out there and exaggerated, etc but he still awarded her 2700.00. This was hove the 500.00 deposit that she already kept.