Housing conditions/habitability


My house is on a fairly small corner lot in a busy part of the neighborhood and has 11 huge King Palm Trees on the property. My landlord paid to have the trees in the back yard trimmed because they were interfering with power lines. However, they will not trim the ones in front, saying they are my responsibility. The trees are messy and quite dangerous when the heavy fronds fall off. The nuts are a constant slip hazard on my sidewalk. I pleaded with them to consider trimming them.


No heat for 8 years
I have written to you in the past regarding water problems, they have been resolved , it took 8 years.

I rented a unit advertised to have central heat/ air.
The wall heater has never worked.
PGE and the park staff, worked on it.
Last week the manager brought in a man to work on it , they caused an explosion.
Do you have an attorney that can help me get my wall unit replaced with a new one.
That is what I rented , central heat.
Thank you,
I have filed 2 claims with HCD.


Hi! My name is Tamora and I have been living at my present residence going on for three years now. My story is much to long to list here because it involves too many issues that require a lot of explanation. However, I can give you a little background of my present situation. What I am mainly dealing with is people that have varying degrees of both mental and physical incapacities as well as drug abuse, etc... Also I am having to deal with a landlady who is all of the above, plus, she has anger issues that are quite severe!


My apartment was recently flooded with raw sewage due to faulty pipes, the landlord is very tight lipped about the details. Myself and 3 other units were affected. I was told today by my renters insurance (American Modern Insurance) that sewage backup is not covered in my policy and they are unable to help me.

Are there any other options to seek help? My entire bedroom contents is ruined and the landlord had the clean up crew put it all on the patio. With the rains coming I'm afraid everything will be wet and moldy, no sense cleaning it.


Hi! My name is Tamora and I will give you a brief history or background about my tenancy issues. As long as I been residing here I California I for one reason after another had to relocate six or seven times because of either of unscrupulous landlords/ladies and bad tenants! My current situation is even more dire!!!!! To be brief I had to take matters into my own hands and call law enforcement three separate times because of harassment and retaliation!!!!


I have roaches, I still don't have my rental agreement,my bathroom window is to small so it wont close. My stepfather fixed my fence.I told my landlord and he did not care.my toilet has been backed up for a month he don't care. I went to pay my rent he would not take it. All he said is I have to pay or leave.I have been in my apartment for5 months.I want to know what to do.someone help me.


I was picketing outside of senior apts.Now manager have lied an said that I go around assulting tenants and employees to not only get me out of here but also to get me to lose my SECTION 8. I will be out in the streets with my dogs because no one is going to rent to me with what they have put on paper. I have no money for a lawyer.


We’re pawns in a rich investor’s game. Dolls on display living in a condo that’s for sale.

This is my first home in Cali. I’ve been here for 5-years. It started out at a reasonable price but the rents went up 30% in roughly the last 2 of the 5 years I’ve been here. There’s no justification for it other than gentrification fueled by rich speculators from China and Orange County. I can’t believe property speculation is legal. It’s disgusting.

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