My landlord continues to use the bottom floor of our apartment, illegally converted into a separate unit, as a party space. They are drunk and loud and have ruined our garden in the back yard. They forget to pay the electricity on a regular basis. We have already had our power shut off once because of this, and on several times only avoided a shut off because one of us happened to be home. Whenever we call them on their unprofessional and lax behavior, they become vicious and threatening. On one occasion, the landlord's son drunkenly threatened to tow my car because it was parked in front of "his" building, though he has no involvement with the management of the building and we have an agreement with the actual owner that we can park there. They hired a lawyer to threaten the upstairs neighbors to move out in order to break rent control on the apartment, and we fear they will use similar tactics if we attempt to make them fix the problems with the building, such as the dangerously rotted back staircase, or the roof which leaks during the rainy season. We fear that if the laws protecting tenants change, or if they find a lever to make our life here unbearable, they will use it in order to move us out and bring the apartment up to market rate. Having to leave our home, which we have lived in for four and a half years now, is a painful thought.