The Volunteer Legal Services Program of Northern California assists low-income clients by referring them to volunteer attorneys for direct representation, and by assisting self-represented parties at our legal clinics. VLSP examines cases within five areas:
1) Debt Collection Defense and Bankruptcy Law -- serves clients who need assistance with legal problems associated with the collection of debts they owe; provides advice and assistance with cleaning up credit reports, disputing debts, and evaluating clients for the appropriateness of filing for Chapter 7 bankruptcy.
2) Criminal Records Expungement
3) Family Law
4) Employment Law
5) Estate Planning and Probate
updated 06/19_FC
Must live in Sacramento or neighboring counties like El Dorado, Placer, San Joaquin, or Yolo. Must meet income and asset requirements, and must possess legal residence or citizenship documentation.
(916) 551-2150