EDC has been dedicated to serving marginalized communities inlcuding, but not limited to, low-income families, elderly tenants, and tenants with disabilities.
EDC services for Berkeley residents
- Free legal support on a broad range of housing matters including substandard housing conditions, subsidized housing, rent increases, fair housing matters, and eviction defense.
EDC services for Alameda County tenants
- Free and low cost legal services to Alameda County tenants who are facing eviction. If you reside in Alameda County and have been served with a Summons & Complaint for Unlawful Detainer you should contact our office immediately for assistance.
EDC services for Richmond residents
- Free and low-cost legal services on a broad range of housing matters including substandard housing conditions, subsidized housing, rent increases, fair housing matters, and eviction defense.
updated 08/19_FC
(510) 452-4541