
Tenants Legal Center

We are a community Law Office located and practicing in San Diego, CA  providing important and effective legal assistance, by an Attorney, to residential and commercial renters. Our goal is to provide an affordable resource for tenants and occupants to become educated and protected as to their rights under the law. We work to protect and prevent the loss of valuable and important rights through education, sound legal advice and effective appropriate action. 

The Tenants Legal Center offers in-office legal counseling; referrals to outside attorneys can also be made when necessary.

Eviction Defense Collaborative

The EDC provides legal assistance to people who are in legal proceedings for eviction in San Francisco. EDC connects tenants directly with the attorney that will represent them for free through trial.

EDC also runs the Rental Assistance Disbursement Component (RADCo) program, which provides interest-free loans and grants to tenants residing inSan Francisco who have fallen behind in their rent due to a temporary financial setback.

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San Francisco Tenants Union (SFTU)

The purpose of the San Francisco Tenants Union is to promote the preservation and expansion of the rights of tenants and the supply of affordable housing. Through drop-in counseling services and the distribution of the Tenants Rights Handbook, the SFTU has educated thousands of San Francisco renters on their rights under local, state and federal law, and empowered residents to assert those rights in an informed and dignified manner.

Help build power for renters' rights: