
Residence Type: 
Single unit
Landlord Type: 
Private Landlord -- Rent Control

I am currently in a home that is being auctioned off on August 20, 2009. The owners of the home claim they still own it, but after talking to the bank they are using I was told that they do not own the home and that it is in fact going to auction and that they are not working with the home owner as the contracts have expired and it is now to late for them. I got the bank info off the county notice taped to our door. They just emailed me and said I needed to pay my rent or move out in 30 days. I have always paid my rent, but the bank and my realtor said to hold onto the rent until they can prove they own the home or until you hear from the new owners or bank. I don't know what to do and what my legal rights are... could you please help me?

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