
Residence Type: 
Single unit
Landlord Type: 

Our landlord would come every month for rent. In october he didn't come. His wife then came around 28th of Oct. stating we need 2 pay or deal with bank i then told her i would pay her on Nov.3rd both months and she then refused saxing it was 2 late. we then found a notice on the door that ho me was on foreclosure and was being auctioned on Jan.9 Two wks after this date the landlords wife shows up demanding that we have to vacate by the 28th because the home didnt end up getting foreclosed. Now she is stating she going to serve me with a 3-day eviction. During this time home started having severe molding in one room that its even soakd carpet. If we use any water faucet in the house for about 20 min. Water starts backing up in shower & coming out from walls into kitchen and its dirty water. But I also found out that the person who telling us we have to leave isn't even the the owner. That the house is under realty.

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