The following webpage and resources have been developed by staff with years of experience in tenants' rights, but they DO NOT substitute for legal advice.
Facing eviction or threats of eviction? You are NOT alone! DO NOT LEAVE your home until you have learned about your rights as a tenant! Let this knowledge give you the power to stay housed! Fear makes us weaker, but rights and community make us MUCH stronger!
If your landlord is attempting to evict you WITHOUT a court order (court order documents use words like “summons,” “complaint” and “unlawful detainer”), STAY IN YOUR HOME. All evictions must proceed through the courts. Following a court decision, the ONLY person that can physically remove you from your home is the sheriff, not the landlord.
Related Eviction Topics
Know Your Rights in Housing - Evictions
Download your own copy of "Know Your Rights - Evictions" HERE and share with anyone you know who might need support!