Reports, Toolkits, Newsletters
This is the fourth annual Tenants Together report on the plight of renters in the foreclosure crisis. Overall foreclosure activity dropped in the last calendar year, but the numbers remain stubbornly high. More than one million tenants have now been directly impacted by home foreclosures.
Tenants are innocent victims in a foreclosure crisis they did nothing to create. In 2009, tenants and their communities continued to suffer from banks‟ inhumane and irrational policies to evict all occupants of their foreclosed properties. The results have been devastating, with hundreds of... Read More
Each year, banks and private investors acquiring foreclosed properties displace hundreds of thousands of California tenants. As a tenant, you have done nothing to create the foreclosure crisis. Yet a growing number of tenants in foreclosure situations are struggling to keep their utilities... Read More
As a result of the mortgage meltdown, national banks have become major post-foreclosure landlords. Despite tenant-protection laws and the clear financial benefit to continuing to rent to tenants after foreclosure, most banks have resisted embracing their role as landlords. Instead, they maintain... Read More
Renters in properties going through foreclosure are innocent and hidden victims of a foreclosure crisis they did nothing to create. Renters face many problems in these properties, everything from utility shut-offs to eviction and loss of security deposits. The stories are heartbreaking: seniors... Read More