Rent control

Legal Aid Foundation of Los Angeles (LAFLA)

Legal Aid Foundation of Los Angeles is a nonprofit law firm that protects and advances the rights of the most underserved in several areas.

1) Eviction Defense -- We offer eligible clients the following services: Counsel and advice regarding housing issues, regardless whether an eviction is pending; Preparing answers to evictions; Preparing tenants for trial when representing themselves; Representing tenants in court

Legal Services of Northern California - Eureka

Since 1956, Legal Services of Northern California has provided quality legal services that empower the poor to identify and defeat the causes and effects of poverty. LSNC’s service priorities include the preservation of housing; health care; enhancing economic stability; support for families, family safety, and stability; civil rights; education; and serving populations with special vulnerabilities.

updated 07/19_FC

Legal Services of Northern California - Woodland

Since 1956, Legal Services of Northern California has provided quality legal services that empower the poor to identify and defeat the causes and effects of poverty. LSNC’s service priorities include the preservation of housing; health care; enhancing economic stability; support for families, family safety and stability; civil rights; education; and serving populations with special vulnerabilities.

Legal Services of Northern California - Ukiah

Since 1956, Legal Services of Northern California has provided quality legal services that empower the poor to identify and defeat the causes and effects of poverty. LSNC’s service priorities include the preservation of housing; health care; enhancing economic stability; support for families, family safety, and stability; civil rights; education; and serving populations with special vulnerabilities.

updated 07/19_FC

San Francisco Tenants Union (SFTU)

The purpose of the San Francisco Tenants Union is to promote the preservation and expansion of the rights of tenants and the supply of affordable housing. Through drop-in counseling services and the distribution of the Tenants Rights Handbook, the SFTU has educated thousands of San Francisco renters on their rights under local, state and federal law, and empowered residents to assert those rights in an informed and dignified manner.

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