Housing conditions/habitability


My name is Ana and I'm a mother of five children we are originally from Salinas, ca my life has change dramatically 3 years ago when my father in law past away my husnand change completly to a happy and goofy person he became angry and kept to himself we moved to arizona hoping he would cope better out there but we eneded up coming back to live where my parents lived at in Tracy, Ca A year ago we moved in with our neighbor my mom used to watch her kids she was going to rent us a very small camper trailer but then I suggested to get a big trailer because we're a family of 7 she agreed we mov


Hello my name is Jondeshia and this is my story I wrote to the ceres courier almost a year ago and still havent found a place.

Tenants not offered much to relocate to new homes

Jul 6, 8:38 a.m.



Hi, I'm Teal and I lived in Chico,Ca in a 3 bdr. 2bath apt. and had a landlord that did not uphold to the standards that they stated that they maintain to be. The unit carpet was not cleaned and we had to clean it the day we moved in as well as it was so old and used so, that the padding had worn as flat as a pancake. One of the burners on the stove never worked and the others were long to heat up as well as the top and bottom of the stove didn't match; the top was from one stove and the bottom was from another one.


Tenants and their supporters rallied in front of 1049 Market Street on November 12, demanding that landlord John Gall withdraw eviction notices for the building. Gall wants to convert residentially occupied units at 1049 Market to offices, a move that would displace tenants and reverse progress toward revitalizing Mid-Market. It’s the residents who keep the street alive after office workers leave, which is why the city is trying to increase housing in the area.

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