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California Apartment Association (CAA) and Corporate Landlord Clients Move to Weaken Governor Newsom’s Rent Relief & Anti-Eviction Proposal

June 24, 2021: With the clock ticking as the state legislation barring eviction for nonpayment of rent, (Senate Bill 91) nears its June 30 expiration, the California Apartment Association (CAA) intervened to water down legislation from Governor Gavin Newsom, Assembly Speaker Anthony Rendon, and State Senate President Pro Tempore Toni Atkins to extend eviction protections.


Tonight (or this morning) we are in the process of packing up our house of the last 10 nearly 11 months.  A house that we have loved and nurtured and brought from being the ugly duckling to beauty.  A house we thought would be our home for a long time.   But our landlord had other ideas and midstream decided to evict us, suggesting not a 30 day eviction but a 10 day eviction...and that is how this started - it started earlier than in July, it started even before we moved in but we didn't see the manipulative and calculated behavior she has.  The reason she evicted us is because she claims s


Hi my name is Veronica and i'm in need of help and getting a lawyer. My landlord has been doing some illegal stuff around the property and as a result my PG&E got shut off. I could not put in my name or anyone elses because PG&E was requesting a legit lease from the landlord, but he would not give me one what he provided was a hand written lease stating my residence.


My wife and I are second generation Californians born and raised in the SF Bay Area. I am 59 years old and have been a renter since 1979. Both my wife and I have worked hard all of our lives, taking our responsibilities as tenants seriously, always paying the rent on time, never being evicted or leaving behind anything but normal wear and tear. All and all the type of tenant any landlord would love to have residing in their property. Yet today, my wife and I are homeless though gainfully employed.

Voluntary Legal Services Program of Northern California (VLSP)

The Volunteer Legal Services Program of Northern California assists low-income clients by referring them to volunteer attorneys for direct representation, and by assisting self-represented parties at our legal clinics. VLSP examines cases within five areas:

1) Debt Collection Defense and Bankruptcy Law -- serves clients who need assistance with legal problems associated with the collection of debts they owe; provides advice and assistance with cleaning up credit reports, disputing debts, and evaluating clients for the appropriateness of filing for Chapter 7 bankruptcy.

Project Sentinel: Milpitas Office

Project Sentinel assists individuals with housing problems such as discrimination, mortgage foreclosure & delinquency, rental issues including repairs, deposits, privacy, dispute resolution, home buyer education, post purchase education and reverse mortgages. 

Milpitas Office, Housing Counseling Services:

The Housing Counseling Services Department offers first-time home buyer education classes; reverse mortgage counseling; foreclosure prevention, mortgage delinquency and default counseling; financial and credit counseling; and pre/post purchase counseling. 


Subject: My retaliatory/wrongful eviction and now fraudulent lawsuit HelloMy name is Rhenae and I refuse to give up. my daughter and I were wrongfully evicted from our home in Vacaville Ca. I was a housing Advocate trained in Washington DC by HUD therefore I know the manipulation of bad landlords and how HUD and Fair Housing often dismiss tenants cases without proper review. That is exactly what happened to my daughter and me. I am a 57 year old disabled veteran. I have a skin disorder and I need air conditioning to keep my disorder under control.

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